Publisher : Titiporn Onbandaeng
Category : LGBTQ+
Author Name : Titiporn O
Illustrated by : Pranpriya Sangthai
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in :
Paperback : 244 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6166041644
Dimensions :
Alan, with an incurable disease, sought a magical doctor, rumored to heal any illness, at the railway's end. Along the way, he encounters a centaur named Sven joining to help him, and they race against time for the cure before Alan's time fades.
The content sample of this book is available upon request. Please feel free to reach out if you are interested in this book.
Publisher : Patrick Rangsimant
Language :
Rights Sold : TV series to AlinAln company , Vietnam edition to AMAK publishing
By : Patrick Rangsimant
Publisher : Patrick Rangsimant
Language :
Rights Sold : TV series to Artop production (Thai - Chinese company)
By : Patrick Rangsimant