The cat bites me

Publisher : Baan Maew Maew Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Vela Chokedeetaweeanan And Vitchukorn Chokedeetaweeanan Illustrated by : Routine Studio Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Baan Maew Maew

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Vela Chokedeetaweeanan And Vitchukorn Chokedeetaweeanan

Illustrated by : Routine Studio

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 24 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6166049770

Dimensions : 19x19 cm

The story of Moji, a playful and mischievous Thai Siamese cat. 
But then, one day when something changed. What could make a lovely cat like Moji bite me?

Story Highlights:

Understanding in living together.

Emphasizes responsibility towards duties.

Encourages the importance of allocating time for mutual benefits.


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