The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Publisher : Sweet Cherry Publishing Categories : Children's Books Author Name : L. Frank Baum And Gemma Barder Illustrated by : Archina Laezza Original Language : United Kingdom

Publisher : Sweet Cherry Publishing

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : L. Frank Baum And Gemma Barder

Illustrated by : Archina Laezza

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 120 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-1802631562

Dimensions :

Dorothy wants something – anything – exciting to happen to her. So, when a storm carries her from her home on the Kansas prairie to the magical land of Oz, it seems her dreams are coming true. Dorothy finds herself unprepared for the challenges in this strange and distant place. She misses her home and soon wishes to return to her family.

Her only hope is to journey along the Yellow Brick Road, to find the Wonderful Wizard of Oz and hopefully, a way back home. But somewhere, far to the west, Dorothy has caught the attention of a wicked witch…

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