Little Smart

Publisher : Beijing Bangson Culture Co., Ltd Categories : Children's Books Author Name : Little Red Flower Studio Illustrated by : - Original Language : United Kingdom Rights sold in : Thailand, Taiwan

Publisher : Beijing Bangson Culture Co., Ltd

Category : Children's Books

Author Name : Little Red Flower Studio

Illustrated by : -

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in : Thailand, Taiwan

Paperback : 104 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-7510132124

Dimensions : 140×165 mm

This is a set of creative cognitive books for mathematics and English enlightenment meant to children in the target group 0-4. The series includes 2 books presenting beautiful die-cut pages with 19 numbers and 26 English letters. Children can recognize numbers and learn letters through reading, touching and playing with the pages. These are the perfect books to exercise expression and improve the vocabulary, to cultivate observation, imagination, memory and reading abilities.

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