To be continued คุณได้ไปต่อ

Publisher : Satapornbooks Categories : Fiction Author Name : นทกร Illustrated by : Kanapy Original Language : Thailand Rights sold in : Taiwan

Publisher : Satapornbooks

Category : Fiction

Author Name : นทกร

Illustrated by : Kanapy

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in : Taiwan

Paperback : 464 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6160037872

Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm


A superstar “Achivit” meets up with his old pal “Jirawat” at the homecoming party at their old school. Good old days come across their minds. The meek rabbit “Chi,” the son of the market owner, wanted to hook up with the temperamental tiger “Ji,” the son of a butcher. Unfortunately, fate didn’t favor them back then. They both had to keep their feelings to themselves and finally they parted ways. Ten years later, their beautiful past remains clear at heart. When the wheel of fortune eventually offers them a good prospect, it is still not so easy to take it as is. Should they fight harder for their love, or should they give up after all?

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