I Can Speak Thai (Book I)

Publisher : Sumaa Language And Culture Institute Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Sasithorn Yakorn Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Sumaa Language And Culture Institute

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Sasithorn Yakorn

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 220 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6169275503

Dimensions :

Spawned from the writer’s teaching experience of more than twenty years, this set of Thai textbooks is prepared for foreigners who are interested in the Thai language as well as for those Thai teachers who endeavor to train foreigners to speak Thai and to foster their insight into Thai culture. 
The full set of publications for the basic speaking level consists of two volumes comprising ten chapters each. The contents and exercises are designed to encourage learners to communicate using the natural style of words and phrases like that used by Thai natives. The learners will be inspired to create their own sentences from the structures provided in each chapter. A cornucopia of exercises provides them with listening drills and so allows them to communicate with greater confidence. Nevertheless, an instructor is highly recommended in order for them to achieve the greatest extent of effective learning.  
This textbook set aims to enable those who have never learned to speak Thai before to communicate in everyday life within a short period of time.
The textbooks use the IPA phonetic symbols to represent the sounds of consonants, vowels, and tones in Thai.

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