Post by Salmon Books
Salmon Books
Publisher : Salmon Books Categories : Biographies & Memoirs Author Name : Wrongdesign Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Salmon Books

Category : Biographies & Memoirs

Author Name : Wrongdesign

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 248 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6162984792

Dimensions : 16.5 x 24 cm.

• A collection of essays and interview articles with illustrations and photographs
• Originally written in English

A must-read for designers and design enthusiasts who judge a book by its cover!

Wrongdesign: A Selection Of Cover Design 2002-2020 showcases 215 cover designs and the creative journey of Kornmaipol Sirimongkolrujikul, aka ‘wrongdesign,’ a self-taught graphic designer with a prolific 20-year career starting in 2002.

This book not only showcases the finalized artwork but also unveils the creative process and ideas behind each selected cover. Delve into his unique design methods, read an insightful interview discussing his perspective on the Thai publishing industry, and follow the captivating journey of becoming one of Thailand's most prominent cover designers.

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