A Walk Through Spring

Publisher : Woman Publisher Categories : Fiction Author Name : Judy Chan Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Woman Publisher

Category : Fiction

Author Name : Judy Chan

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 431 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6165100120

Dimensions :

I offer a sheepish smile. “Am I that old?” “No, you aren’t. But there are seasons in life and each year has its best season. It’s a pity when the springtime of your life is gone…” Youngest Grandma is quiet for a moment before adding softly, “If you decide to get married, I’ll give you a wedding gift.”

Winner of the Chommanard Book Prize, A Walk Through Spring brings us on the journeys of Ah Mui Mui’s larg - er-than-life Cantonese “grandmas.” From a sleepy village in southern China to WWII-era Bangkok, their stories are ones of hardship and small triumphs. Decades later, it’s time for the grandmas to dole out their advice for Ah Mui Mui. A heartwarming and evocative account for generations of Chinese Thais.

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