Publisher : Baan Lae Suan (Home & Garden)
Category : Education & Reference
Author Name : Pakapol Suphanuntananon, Chanin Torat, Pitchaya Watchajittapun
Original Language : Thailand
Rights sold in : Taiwan
Paperback : 660 pages
ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6161832223
Dimensions :
Three most knowledgable authors have brought knowledge about cultivation gained from real experiences to transfer to readers. Both about classification Techniques for planting, propagating, and caring for, as well as collecting photos and information on succulent plants, both those found growing in Thailand and those that originate in nature. which received the generosity of many foreign growers and botanists, totaling more than 3,000 species.
This is the most complete book on succulents currently.
8k+ domestic copies sold!
Licensed to Taiwan
Education & Reference
Publisher : UUM PRESS
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Education & Reference
Publisher : Bookmark
Language :
Rights Sold : None
Education & Reference
Publisher : Sumaa Language and Culture Institute
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