Ethical Values For Life Book-4

Publisher : Bookmark Categories : Education & Reference Author Name : Ramsha Khan Illustrated by : N/A Original Language : United Kingdom Rights sold in : None

Publisher : Bookmark

Category : Education & Reference

Author Name : Ramsha Khan

Illustrated by : N/A

Original Language : United Kingdom

Rights sold in : None

Paperback : 56 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-9696880533

Dimensions : 280mmx210mm

Ethical Values for Life for levels 1 through 5 has been specially designed with the aim to present ethical and moral values that develop a child's character. Through this set of books, students will gain experience of ethical reasoning and critical thinking. It is hoped that the students will not only acquire the knowledge of ethics, but they will also learn the skills to practice moderation in every aspect of life. The pedagogical elements are framed to develop the knowledge, values and attitude necessary to become a better and responsible person. The topics covered in this series will help to develop important aspects such as; sense of self, generosity and integrity, civic sense and contentment in life.

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