Wandee-Wittya วันดีวิทยา

Publisher : Satapornbooks Categories : Fiction Author Name : นทกร Illustrated by : Shimotsuki04 Original Language : Thailand Rights sold in : Taiwan, Italy

Publisher : Satapornbooks

Category : Fiction

Author Name : นทกร

Illustrated by : Shimotsuki04

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in : Taiwan, Italy

Paperback : 392 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6160042784

Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm


“D’you mind paying for the condoms for me, please? I’ll wait outside.” Dr. Wandee wouldn’t have said that if only he was fully conscious and not overly drunk. When his effort in being a better man for the one he loves brings him nothing but loneliness, he decides intoxicating himself to forget the bitter memory is the only way out. He then runs across a hunky young man named “Yoryak” and ends up flirting with him in a minimart. That seduction leads him to uncountable raunchy wrestling with the young boxer even before he could realize it. Captivated by each other’s vehemence, they seem to get along well in this undefined relationship where they find mutual benefits. However, Yoryak is already infatuated with someone else. Will Dr. Wandee find the way to change Yoryak’s mind?

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