Upload Product

When you log in to the system, it will take you to your profile page. If you want to add a book, click on "+Add Product" as shown.
- Add a Book


Adding a product is divided into two sections:
1. Upload Image Book's : This involves uploading the book cover or sample images. You can upload up to 4 images, including the cover.
2. Book Information : This involves filling in the necessary details of the book, such as ISBN, title, category, summary, etc. Once all the details are filled out, click “Save.”



The added book will appear on your profile page as shown.



- Edit a Book : If you want to edit a book you have added, click the “Edit” button as shown.


You can edit various information, such as the cover image and book details.


- Delete a Book : If you want to delete a book you have added, click the “Remove” button as shown.


A confirmation window will appear to delete the product. If you want to delete it, click "Delete." If you do not want to delete it, click "Cancel." Deleted books cannot be restored.