Post by Salmon Books
Salmon Books
Publisher : Salmon Books Categories : Literature & Fiction Author Name : LADYS Original Language : Thailand

Publisher : Salmon Books

Category : Literature & Fiction

Author Name : LADYS

Original Language : Thailand

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 128 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6162985553

Dimensions : 5 x 7.2

This enchanting sapphic novel casts a spell of mystique, steering you on a boat through windswept seas towards a radiant lighthouse. Along the way, engage in conversations about mermaids, absorb the panoramic views from the cliff, and embark on a voyage to explore new shores—all while delving into discussions about self-discovery, embracing differences, finding life goals, and creating one’s own sanctuary.

Ms. Kent & Me narrates the tale of 'I', who embarks on a journey to a seaside house to manage a late grandmother's belongings. Within this coastal haven, a discovery unfolds—the diary of the grandmother journaling about 'Ms. Kent,' a mysterious girl described as "weird, but beautiful, but weird." As 'I' flip through the pages, the layers of Ms. Kent gradually reveal themselves.

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