
Publisher : Us Literature Company Limited Categories : Literature & Fiction Author Name : He Shan Original Language : Taiwan

Publisher : Us Literature Company Limited

Category : Literature & Fiction

Author Name : He Shan

Original Language : Taiwan

Rights sold in :

Paperback : 160 pages

ISBN/ISSN/Unique Identifier : 978-6269753000

Dimensions :

As we navigate the profound questions of life and death, the mysteries and fears associated with mortality gradually fade away in "Mediocre."—— Prof. Wen-Dong Jing (敬文東) of Minzu University of China.

This Poetry Collection is a testament to He Shan's relentless pursuit of inner freedom and his rekindled passion for writing. Drawing inspiration from his experiences as a new immigrant in Singapore and his encounters with the enigmatic nature of life, He Shan has crafted a collection of poems that embodies a sense of boundless exploration and a celebration of the human spirit.

▎ More information:Book News of Mediocre

▎ Part of Mediocre (traditional chinese): Online

▎ Lyrics Demo:  Mandarin  | English

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